
Welcome to the ThotBot Implantation Center where we help you optimize your journey towards Redemption. ThotBot has been tremendously successful since The ULTRA implemented the program post-Impact. It continues to unite the minds of citizens toward the common goal of making our society great again. Don't you want to be great again? All you have to do is Comply, Add Value, Redeem!

Browse this site for information about ThotBot and answer any questions you may have before making your appointment for Implantation, recalibration, or reboot.

Praise for Thotbot

If you ask me, Suggested Thots are the way to go. I randomize them, so it’s almost as if I’m the one thinking them! It’s been awesome not having to think for myself. Sometimes I spend an entire day downloading one after another. My Value must be through the roof! I might try the brain training program next.

-- Paul, Great Island

I was a mess before the program launched. Up, down, hope, depression, fear, terror. A roller coaster of emotions. Now, Tranquility™ has slowed everything way down. WAY down. I truly feel...nothing. A blessing and a miracle.

-- Marcia, The Valley

Just get it. I mean, you have to get it, but you know what I mean! A tremendous experience. The best experience. Ask anyone.

-- Don, Great Island

Our lives depend on Redemption. Without ThotBot, we have no way of getting the supplies we need to keep the flames back. We love Crazy Ed’s Redemption Centers!

-- Xavier, The Plateau

I was reading my son’s ULTRA History book the other day. Impact sounds like a nightmare. I mean, I remember it happened, but I don't remember any of the details of my experience. I, for one, am damn glad ULTRApure zapped that trauma from my memory. Ignorance truly is bliss.

-- Jean, The Valley